Road Kills in the Frontera Reading Series

Nina Goodheart will direct a staged reading of Sophie’s play Road Kills in the Frontera Staged Reading Series at The Tank on July 29th at 7 p.m.

Road Kills follows a delinquent young woman assigned to work with a local roadkill collector as part of her community service sentence. As the pair traverse the highways of rural Wisconsin, they find common ground in their status as outsiders while challenging each other on questions of family loyalty, personal responsibility, and what we owe to the creatures with whom we share our world.


Workshop of The After Wife at LaGuardia Performing Arts Center

Nina Goodheart will direct a public workhop presentation of Sophie’s play The After Wife at the LaGuardia Performing Arts Center on October 11th at 7:30pm and October 12th at 3pm.



The acting edition of macbitches has been published.

Sophie and Nina completed their residency at Art Farm in Nebraska.

Sophie was interviewed for Columbia’s school newspaper.